As a person facing fertility challenges, you might feel as if infertility has taken over your whole life. It often affects your relationships, your job, and especially the way you think and feel about yourself.

Many clients have said something like this to me:

“Other people don’t get it. They don’t know that I feel like my soul is being crushed every time I see a playground with babies, or a friend tells me she is pregnant, or I find out my IVF cycle didn’t work.”

Other clients have said something like:

“I can’t go to my sister in law’s baby shower. It hurts too much. I just can’t go. And I feel guilty for not being happy for her. I am happy for her. But I am also painfully jealous. Not just jealous, it is something more than that. It’s like a pain down to my core. My husband doesn’t understand. He thinks I should suck it up. But I can’t.”

Some have mentioned past events that haunt them:

“I feel like I’m being punished for something I did when I was younger. Because I can’t understand why I can’t get pregnant and everyone else around me can. I can’t do the most basic thing women are meant to do.”

And many have said:

“I can’t be with anyone right now. Everyone says the wrong thing to me. And they don’t mean to. Like they say if I just relax it will happen.”

With me, you don’t have to feel ashamed to express the intense feelings of pain and struggle that others simply don’t understand.

You and I will face this tough journey together. You do not need to be alone in this. I will teach you ways to help yourself feel less anxious and depressed. I will give you the tools you need to know that you can cope with whatever lies ahead. There is hope. We will find it together.

How do you get started? The first step is to call me to set up a free 20-minute phone consultation. Let’s talk: (310) 433-0493

Address: 300 S. Beverly Dr. #301 Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Phone: 310-433-0493


MIchele Berg

Copyright © 2017 Michele Berg