Train Your Brain – Tame Your Pain

Pain can feel like it is taking over your whole life.

It is often all you can think about.

It gets in the way of relationships, and pain affects how you think and feel about yourself.

Sometimes pain comes from a physical trauma or an emotional trauma. Sometimes it seems to come out of nowhere.

My clients have come in saying things like:

“My pain started six years ago with a car accident. There were days when I just had to lie on my side with ice and couldn’t do much else. I spiraled into depression and I started having panic attacks. I had no idea that pain could do that to you. My daughter was five at the time. I couldn’t play on the ground with her anymore. She would say, ‘Mommy carry me.’ And I couldn’t. I felt so guilty that I couldn’t do things that a mother is supposed to be able to do. My husband would come home from work and have to do everything. I felt useless.”

“I feel like I’m not safe anywhere. I feel like I am trapped in my body. Like I always have to be on my guard because something could happen.”

“My partner says things like the pain is all in my head. If it’s true, then this is my fault and I’m supposed to stop it, but I don’t know how. I have been to every kind of doctor in the world.”

“There was the me before the pain, and now there is the me now. I don’t know how to live with this new me. I want the old me back.”

Here is where I come in. I’m here to help you take your life back from the effects of pain. I will help you gain back a feeling of control.

Utilizing many techniques such as EMDR, paired with all we know from Neuroscience, you and I will train your brain to tame that pain! You will feel better physically and emotionally.

You will leave sessions knowing you can handle what happened in the past, what is happening in your present and what may come down the line in the future.

There is hope. I know there is. I know because I myself suffered with chronic pain for 35 years from a car accident and you know what? Like my clients, I feel better too.

To get started with a free 20-minute phone consultation, call me today: (310) 433-0493

Address: 300 S. Beverly Dr. #301 Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Phone: 310-433-0493


MIchele Berg

Copyright © 2017 Michele Berg