Where is your office?

My office is smack in the middle of Beverly Hills. It is on Beverly Drive, between Wilshire Boulevard and Olympic Boulevard.

The address is: 300 S. Beverly Drive #301, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Where do I park?

There is a two-hour free parking structure one block away from my office between Wilshire Boulevard and Olympic Boulevard.

The address is: Beverly Drive South Parking Structure, 216 S Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

How much is a session?

My fee is $250 per 50-minute session.

Do you have a sliding scale?

Yes. I see a limited number of clients at a reduced rate. If you are interested in working with me, but are concerned that it would be a financial hardship, please call me to discuss your circumstances and if I have any sliding-scale slots available. If I cannot accommodate you, I can give you referrals for other therapists who also take sliding scale clients.

Do you accept insurance?

I often work with out-of-network insurance plans that provide reimbursement for psychotherapy. This involves you paying me for sessions and then you submitting a bill to your insurance company which will reimburse you a percentage of the fee. I will prepare a monthly invoice for you to submit for reimbursement.

What do I do next if I would like to learn more about working with you?

Simply call me at (310) 433-0493 or use the form below.

We can then find a time to have an initial consultation at no cost to you.

During this consult, I’ll ask to learn more about your situation to determine how I can best help you, and you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about how I work and to ask any questions you may have for me.

Address: 300 S. Beverly Dr. #301 Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Phone: 310-433-0493

Email: michele.berg5@gmail.com

MIchele Berg

Copyright © 2017 Michele Berg