Successful enough? Smart enough? Attractive enough? Independent enough? Productive enough? Strong enough? Rich enough?
Thin enough?
Talented enough?
A good enough parent?
Too sensitive?
Too emotional?
Too weak?
Too much?
Psychotherapy in Beverly Hills
Pretty much everyone I meet feels like they should be something more or other than they are. Much of the time, we don’t even realize this. We just feel crappy. The culture we live in sets up these crazy expectations that none of us can live up to. Our society tells us and shows us how we should act, look and feel. It tells us what our roles are and the rules to live by. That Instagramed, Facebooked perfect little life we are supposed to be leading. Trying to live up to this stuff…well, we inevitably come up short. We end up feeling like we are failing, like we are less worthy. That’s where sadness, anger, anxiety, physical pain, and numbing come in. These feelings and actions make sense when you think about it. They are responses to feeling like you are “failing” or that you are “not good enough”. No one wants to feel like that and you don’t have to. You can feel better. You can find freedom from all these “shoulds”. I can help you out of this “not enough-ness” cycle.

Let’s figure out the rules you want to live by. What ideas you want to act or not act on. What you care about. Let’s talk about what you think your roles in life should look like. Let’s define what a meaningful life looks like to you and make it happen. I offer a free 20-minute consultation as the first step. Let’s begin the conversation and get you on your way. My office is in Beverly Hills.
As a person facing fertility challenges, you might feel as if fertility has taken over your whole life. It often affects your relationships, your job, and especially the way you think and feel about yourself. Many clients have said something like this to me: “Other people don’t get it. They don’t know that I feel like my soul is being crushed every time I see a playground with babies, or a friend tells me she is pregnant, or I find out my IVF cycle didn’t work.”
Pain can feel like it is taking over your whole life. It is often all you can think about. It gets in the way of relationships, and pain affects how you think and feel about yourself. Sometimes pain comes from a physical trauma or an emotional trauma. Sometimes it seems to come out of nowhere. My clients have come in saying things like: “My pain started six years ago with a car accident. There were days when I just had to lie on my side with ice and couldn’t do much else. I spiraled into depression and I started having panic attacks. I had no idea that pain could do that to you. My daughter was five at the time. I couldn’t play on the ground with her anymore. She would say, ‘Mommy carry me.’ And I couldn’t. I felt so guilty that I couldn’t do things that a mother is supposed to be able to do. My husband would come home from work and have to do everything. I felt useless.”
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a powerful and effective therapy for the treatment of trauma and pain. EMDR has been extensively researched as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and is considered to be an evidence-based therapy. In EMDR therapy, we use bilateral stimulation (BLS), which is a non-invasive way of stimulating the right and left hemisphere of the brain with alternating audio tones or by using a device you hold that gently vibrates in each hand. As Laurel Parnell, one of the leading experts in EMDR therapy, says: “We use BLS as part of a comprehensive approach that processes and releases information trapped in the mind and body, freeing people from disturbing images and body sensations, crippling emotions, and negative beliefs.”
If you have an eating disorder or think you might have one, I bet you are really suffering. Your suffering might be invisible to others. Or, for some, you might hear, “Oh, I wish I could be like you, how do you do it?” Oh, if only others understood the pain, the fear and the anxiety you endure day after day, they would not say such things or ignore such things. But they don’t understand.
Address: 300 S. Beverly Dr. #301 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Phone: 310-433-0493 Email:
MIchele Berg
Copyright © 2018 Michele Berg